
Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR)
The Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR) is the state assessment and accountability measure for Illinois students enrolled in a public school district. IAR assesses the Illinois Learning Standards in English Language Arts and Mathematics. IAR is administered to all students in grades 3-8 in an online format.
Illinois Science Assessment (ISA)
The Illinois Science Assessment (ISA) is administered in an online format to students enrolled in a public school district in grades 5, 8 and 11. The ISA is a comprehensive exam that includes life, physical, Earth and space sciences with engineering and technological design features embedded in the other science domains, as well as science and engineering practices.

Measure of Academic Progress (MAP)
NWEA MAP Growth Assessment will be administered to students grades K-8. The assessment will be taken 3 times during the school year, Fall, Winter and Spring. The online assessment provides teachers with accurate, and actionable evidence to help target instruction for each student or groups of students regardless of how far above or below they are from their grade level.
Its standards-aligned reports include information teachers need to plan for differentiated instruction, develop interventions for struggling students, and see what students are ready to learn next through enrichment support.
National Assessments
- Grades K-8
- Measures achievement in Literacy and Math
- Administered three times a year (fall, winter and spring)
- PSAT (Prairie State Achievement Test) 8/9
- Grade 8
- Lincoln-Way Placement Test
State Assessments
- Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR)
- Grades 3-8
- Measures achievement in ELA and Math
- Administered in the spring
- Illinois Science Assessment (ISA)
- Grades 5 and 8
Local Assessments
- Teacher Developed
- Grades K-8