District » Administration


Dr. Paul McDermott 

The Superintendent is the chief executive officer for the school district with the authority to manage, supervise, and evaluate all affairs of the system within the policies established by the Board of Education.
The Superintendent administers the development and maintenance of an educational program designed to meet the needs of the community and carries out policies of the Board. Additionally, they assist the Board in developing long-range plans, formulates school objectives, policies, plans, and programs, conducts periodic audits of the total school program, and advises the Board on recommendations for the educational advancement of the schools. Additionally the Superintendent administers the HR and communication functions.

Julie Stearns
Director of Business Services

The Director of Business provides the necessary financial, accounting, and record keeping services to facilitate the best possible educational program. They are also the District Treasurer.

Leslie DeBoer
Director of Special Education

The Director of Special Education oversees district special needs programs and services and works with the Superintendent to assure quality programs for students. They oversee the social workers, psychologists, and nurses and develops and monitors the IDEA grant.

John Snipes
Director of Curriculum 

The Director of Curriculum oversees the curricular programs and works with the Superintendent to assure quality programs for students. They oversee the coordinators of instructional support, instructional technology integration specialists and monitors grants.

Brian Skibinski
Director of Technology 

The Director of Technology maintains and supports the school district's network infrastructure, content filtering, data security and numerous online applications. They are responsible for over 3,000 devices and accounts and audio-video equipment. They oversee the instructional technology integration specialists and building level technicians. They are committed to providing to technology and infrastructure in support of efficient teaching and learning to our entire learning community that is effective, meaningful, and continually innovative.

Walt Bruckner
Director of Facilities 

The Director of Facilities maintains the school district's facilities to ensure the comfort and safety of our students, staff, and visitors. They are responsible for managing buildings and grounds at five schools as well as overseeing the school custodial staff. They are committed to providing an attractive, safe, and accessible learning environment.